B&Q Feedback Survey At www.Diy.com/feedback – Win A £250 Gift Card!

B&Q Customer Experience Survey

B&Q values customer’s suggestions, opinions, and feedback because of that, B&Q retailer designed the B&Q Customer Satisfaction Survey.

By visiting the online www.diy.com/feedback Site, you can take the official B&Q Guest Opinion Survey and share your informal feedback.

The B &Q Guest Satisfaction Survey takes only 10 minutes to complete and all you need to answer a series of short questions.

As a thank you for filling the Diy.com/feedback survey, you will be entered into our monthly prize draw to win a £250 B&Q Gift Card.

So, read here official rules, regulations, and other useful details here before taking B&Q Feedback Survey at www.diy.com/feedback. You don’t need to make any purchases to win rewards. You just need to follow the simple steps mentioned in this post below.

About diy.com/feedback Survey

B&Q DIY Survey Websitewww.Diy.com/feedback
Age Limit18 years or above
Entry LimitOne entry per month
Prize LimitOne per household
Survey Entry MethodOnline and Mail
Starting Date1st of every month
Ending DateLast day of that month

B&Q Customer Survey Prize

Win Free £250 B&Q Gift Card

As a thank you for filling the Diy.com/feedback survey, you will be entered into a monthly prize draw to win a £250 B&Q gift card.

Rules For Diy.com/feedback survey

  • You must be a legal resident of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
  • Must be over 18 years to participate in the sweepstakes.
  • Prizes are not transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
  • Entry Limit – One entry per month.
  • Prize Limit – One per household
  • Must not be an employee of the company.

Requirements For Diy survey

  • A mobile device, computer, or tablet with internet access.
  • An Email address to get notifications.
  • Personal details like name, address, phone number, email address, etc are required.
  • An Ability to recall last visit shopping experience.

B&Q Experience Survey At www.Diy.com/feedback – Step by Step Guide

  • Visit the official survey page at www.diy.com/feedback.
  • Read the onsite survey instructions, rules, terms, and conditions.
  • Select the store location, you have visited and click on Next.
  • Tick the areas of the store you visited this time.
  • Enter the date and time of visiting B&Q.
  • Now, your Diy.com/feedback survey is started. Here, Determine the likelihood that you will recommend it to your friends by using a scale of 0 to 10.
  • Rate your satisfaction with the store based on your overall experience.
  • Answer all these questions and click the “Next” button to get your next question.
  • After answering, enter your age range, gender, number of children, and affiliation with the store.
  • Then, share your personal contact details to join the Sweepstakes.
  • Lastly, submit your Diy.com/feedback survey for your chance to win a £250 B&Q gift card monthly!

links – B&Q Gift Card Survey

B&Q Official Website: www.diy.com

B&Q Survey Website: www.diy.com/feedback