www.conversefeedback.com – Official Converse® Survey 2024

conversefeedback.com – Official Converse® Survey

Converse Customer Experience Survey hosted at www.conversefeedback.com is an online survey program designed by Converse that helps them figure out how satisfied customers are with their merchandise and services.

All your feedback and reviews in the Conversefeedback Survey will help the chain to update merchandise, shopper experience, and atmosphere. This survey is done online for your convenience.

Myconversevisit Survey helps them to improve their products and services continually from the collected database.


Taking part in this My Converse Visit Survey will give you a chance to tell the company how you feel, whether it is good or bad.

Converse really wants to hear about what people don’t like about their company and what they like.

So, if you visit any Converse Store, then make sure to provide your honest feedback Converse Customer Survey and help the chain to improve.

And, upon completion, you’ll get a coupon to use and redeem 20% off on your next shopping purchase.

Read here official Converse Survey rules, terms of eligibility, and official links to win rewards.

Converse Customer Experience Survey Details

Survey NameConverse Consumer Feedback Survey
Survey URLhttp://www.conversefeedback.com/
Survey Prize20% off Converse Coupon
Receipt Valid7 Days
Offer Expires60 days after the receipt date
Survey Limit2 per person, per receipt
Offer LimitLimit one Free item per receipt and per visit

conversefeedback.com Converse® Survey Rewards

  • 20% off Converse Coupon

At the end of the survey, you will get a promo code which is valid for 20% off on your next visit.

Converse Customer Satisfaction Survey Rules

  • Purchase is necessary to enter and win.
  • Must be a resident of 50 United States.
  • Must be 18 or older to enter.
  • Limit 1 entry per person regardless of entry method.
  • The survey code expires 7 days after you get your receipt.
  • You can only use the survey code on your receipt one time.
  • You can’t take over 2 surveys in a 7 day period.
  • Winners will be notified by mail.
  • You can’t take the survey or use the gift card for Nike.com or phone orders.
  • No cash alternative is available.
  • Must not have an employee affiliation.
  • Void where prohibited by law.

Myconversevisit Survey Requirements

  • A receipt from Converse Store.
  • Have a basic knowledge of English or Spanish.
  • A mobile device, computer, or tablet with internet access.
  • A valid Email address is required.

How to take part in the www.conversefeedback.com Survey?

  • To enter, go to the www.conversefeedback.com.
  • Enter the transaction number, date, store number, and cashier name from your receipt.
  • Click on “Start Survey” to give your feedback.
  • Now, you will be presented with a series of questions.
  • Start answering by giving ratings and your satisfaction with various conditions.
  • Recall your visit experience and start answering Converse Customer Survey questions.
  • Give appropriate evaluations to staff, environment, cleanliness, etc
  • Specify problems and suggestions in the process.
  • Fill out the Converse Survey to the best of your knowledge
  • In the last, enter your name, phone number, and email address.
  • Finally, click on FINISH to submit your feedback.
  • Upon completion, you will receive a 20% off Converse Coupon to use on your next visit.

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Converse Feedback Survey Useful Links

  • Converse Customer Experience Survey Link: www.conversefeedback.com.
  • Converse Official Site:  click here
  • Converse Promotion Rules: click here

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