Thanks for taking some interest to know more about this blog and especially know more about me as well. I am the founder of this blog which is Since 2019, I am working full time dedicatedly on this blog to make it more informative and helpful.

How this all started and what is the reason behind starting this blog I am going to share here. First Myself Anil Thakor and I am CBSE Ranker Nationwide I have completed my Chemistry in 2016. After completing my study I was doing a job in an MNC company with very good pay. Because of some circumstances and atmosphere, I was facing multiple health issues and could not do the job continues.

anil chauhan

One day, all our friends went to a McDonald’s to enjoy a birthday party. After paying the bill and waiting for Burger, I was looking at the bill receipt. And, guess what? I found something interesting on the receipt. The branch staff was seeking our opinion in a survey to improve their store standards so they can serve us better on our next visit.

One day, we went to a McDonald’s branch to enjoy a birthday party. After paying the bill and waiting for Burger, I was looking at the bill receipt. And, guess what? I found something interesting on the receipt. The branch staff was seeking our opinion in a survey to improve their store standards so they can serve us better on our next visit.

I completed the survey somehow, and I got reward points and some free food. At that moment, an idea hit me to start a blog on surveys where I can provide informative articles on customer survey guide with step-by-step information including official URLs and screenshots as well. Writing about customer satisfaction surveys will help customers to get some rewards and food as well. So I started this blog in 2019 till date I am working full time with my team as well. We provide very informative and valuable content which really helps readers and all the practical steps they will get to know after reading our articles on this site.

We make sure we processed all our articles through our fact check policy and the content auditor also manually checks all articles with the proper URL; we publish no post without checking and later it makes public.

We publish articles about mostly Satisfaction Survey and Restaurant Menus. We take information only from the official website and some information we gather from the restaurant staff and the official team by mail and phone.

Here on this blog, I am working dedicatedly with a trained team. Here on this website, we have collected information about customer satisfaction surveys from over 500 different retailers and brands. We get information from the surveys by type of store or service and provide analysis and guidance to help you complete them easily and quickly. Not only can you only can share your opinions, but you also have the chance to win prizes like cash, gift cards, and coupon codes.