Take Shell US Customer Feedback Survey @ shell.us/survey

You can leave your loyal feedback in an online called the Shell Guest Experience Survey carried out on shell.us/survey to collect your loyal feedback.

Shell wants to know how they are serving its customer and it is enough to satisfy their desires and ambitions or not.

Hence, they organized the Shell Guest Satisfaction Survey to help themselves in knowing where the issues lie, or what problems are being made for the customers.

By utilizing your feedback through the Shell Opinion Survey, the company starts to improve the customer experience, products, service, facilities & performance of the representatives.

Shell Gift Card will acknowledge you as a Shell Rewards for your valuable time and feedback. Read this whole post detailing the Experience Survey with complete information.

Shell Feedback Survey – Rewards

  • $50 Shell Gift Card

shell feedback survey

Rules – Shell Guest Experience Survey 

  • You must be a resident of the United States of America.
  • Only one survey entry is allowed per household.
  • One survey per each purchase.
  • Each participant may only win one prize.
  • Prize transfer is not allowed anyway.
  • You must not be an employee at Shell.

Shell Guest Opinion Survey – Requirements

  • A receipt from Shell.
  • Have a basic knowledge of the English language.
  • Must have a computer and Internet connection.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age.
  • A valid Email address required.

How To Take Part In The Shell Customer Experience Survey Step By Step?

  • Visit the official Shell Guest website at shell.us/survey.
  • Enter merchant ID, date, time and amount spent located on your sales receipt.
  • Click on the “START” button.
  • Please rate the customer service at Shell during your recent visit.
  • Rate your overall satisfaction with your visit experience at Shell.
  • Give feedback on services, employees, management, and cleanliness on your own experience.
  • Select a suitable option from highly satisfied to high dissatisfied with your personal experience.
  • Continue to answer all of the survey questions honestly.
  • In the last, you will be asked to enter the Shell Sweepstakes.
  • Fill in your name, email address, and telephone number.
  • Upon completion, you will receive a free entry into the sweepstakes for a chance to win a $50 Shell Gift Card.

Useful Links

Shell Official Website: www.shell.com

About Shell

Royal Dutch Shell is a transnational corporation of Anglo-Dutch origins and is one of the largest oil companies in the world. Its wholly owned subsidiary in the United States is Shell Oil Company.

Approximately 80,000 Shell employees have based in the U.S. Its U.S. headquarters are in Houston, Texas.